Non-canonical Wnt Signaling through Ryk Regulates the Generation of Somatostatin- and Parvalbumin-Expressing Cortical Interneurons
Melissa G. McKenzie, Lucy V. Cobbs, Patrick D. Dummer, Timothy J. Petros, Michael M. Halford, Steven A. Stacker, Yimin Zou, Gord J. Fishell, and Edmund Au

In this issue of Neuron (Volume 103, Issue 5, September 4, 2019, pages 853-864), McKenzie et al. describe graded Wnt-Ryk signaling along the rostral-caudal axis of the progenitor domain responsible for producing the majority of cortical interneurons. High levels of signaling result in the generation of somatostatin+ cells, while low levels are required for parvalbumin+ interneurons. Cajal, taken by the varied and complex morphologies of cortical neurons, poetically described them as the “butterflies of the soul.”
The team was lucky enough to win the cover submission. On the cover, origami butterflies constructed with different patterns represent the diversity of cortical interneuron subtypes. In the background, the butterflies pass over a watercolor gradient to illustrate the relationship between interneuron diversity and graded Wnt-Ryk signaling in progenitors.
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