Core Rotations - AP

Autopsy (2 or 4-week rotations)
- Autopsy serves as introduction to anatomic pathology. New residents, under the direct guidance of a senior resident, will be introduced to basic principles of autopsy dissection and grossing of select surgical specimens. All autopsies are performed with the help of pathologist’s assistants, who set up cases, perform organ/block removal, and take photographs.
- Two residents are scheduled on autopsy year-round.
- All residents complete sufficient autopsies for American Board of Pathology requirements.
- The autopsy suite includes 3 exam tables and a negative-pressure isolation room, all with overhead surgical lighting
- Residents are exposed to a rich variety of cytologic specimens and procedures, including rapid on-site immediate assessment of image-guided procedures, diagnostic interpretation of fine needle aspirations and exfoliative cytology specimens. They also participate in patient safety, quality improvement, and lab management activities.
Frozen Section (2-week rotations)
- Resident covers all surgical pathology frozen section requests (excluding gynecologic and neurosurgical cases) from 8 AM to 5 PM.
- Histotech assists in freezing, cutting, and staining.
Surgical Pathology (4-week rotations)
- Generalized service encompassing most organ systems (excluding neuropathology, hematopathology, cytopathology, gynecologic pathology, medical liver, and medical renal cases)
- 3-day cycle
- Day 1: Grossing – Residents examine, prepare, and take sections from medium and large resection specimens. Pathology assistants do all grossing of biopsies.
- Day 2: Biopsies – AM previewing of biopsies followed by sign-out with attending. PM receive slides from previously grossed specimens on Day 1 to preview.
- Day 3: Larges – AM completion of previewing followed by sign-out with attending.
Surgical Pathology subspecialties (GYN, Neuro, Derm, Hematopathology, GI/liver, Breast)
- Each day includes subspecialty case review and case sign-out with attendings.
- Frozen sections and grossing are done on GYN and Neuro.
Additional subspecialty rotations are available in Medical Liver, Medical Renal, Informatics, personalized genomic medicine (PGM), Immunogenetics, Cytogenetics and at the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME).