Brynn Levy, M.Sc. (Med), Ph.D. is a Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology at the Columbia University Medical Center. He is also the Medical Director of the Clinical Cytogenetics Laboratory of the New York Presbyterian Hospital and a Co-Director of the Division of Personalized Genomic in the Department of Pathology & Cell Biology. Dr. Levy is regarded internationally as an expert in the clinical utility of genomic technologies in reproductive medicine. He has authored multiple book chapters and publications on molecular genetics, clinical cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics and lectured internationally about his experience utilizing CGH and high resolution SNP microarrays both as a clinical and research tool. His research areas of interest include early prenatal screening using fetal cells and cell-free fetal DNA from maternal circulation, PGD and the etiology of recurrent miscarriage. Dr. Levy was a Co-Investigator of the Multicenter NICHD study that investigated the use of microarrays for prenatal diagnosis and was the Columbia University site Principal Investigator of a NIH-funded study from the Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network (SCRN) that assessed CNVs in stillbirths. Dr. Levy is the past President of the Cancer Genomics Consortium (GCC) and was the PI at Columbia University Medical Center for the GCG Multi-center Quality Control trial that performed cross-platform validation of cytogenomic arrays for cancer diagnostics. Dr. Levy currently serves as the Genetics and Genomics Section Editor for the journal Prenatal Diagnosis.
Areas of Expertise / Conditions Treated
- Pre-Pregnancy Genetics
Academic Appointments
- Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology at CUMC
Administrative Titles
- Medical Director, Genetics Laboratory, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center
- Male
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Credentials & Experience
Honors & Awards
2015/2016 Carnegie-WITS Alumni Fellowship Award
2011 Medical Achievement Award – Bonei Olam
2003-7 NIH (NICHD) Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program Award
2003 The Gaisman Frontiers of Biomedical Sciences Research Innovation Award
1999 Mount Sinai School of Medicine Travel Grant
1990 The South African Institute for Medical Research Travel Grant
1989 The South African Institute for Medical Research Scholarship
1988 The South African Institute for Medical Research Scholarship
1988 The South African Institute for Medical Research Travel Grant
2014/15 Past President, Cancer Cytogenomics Microarray Consortium (CCMC)
2013/14 President, Cancer Cytogenomics Microarray Consortium (CCMC)
2012/13 President Elect, Cancer Cytogenomics Microarray Consortium (CCMC)
2010-Present Board of Directors, Cancer Cytogenomics Microarray Consortium (CCMC)
Selected Publications
- Hensel C, Vanzo R, Martin M, Dixon S, Lambert C, Levy B, Nelson L, Peiffer A, Ho KS, Rushton P, Serrano M, South S, Ward K, Wassman E. Analytical and Clinical Validity Study of FirstStepDx PLUS: A Chromosomal Microarray Optimized for Patients with Neurodevelopmental Conditions. PLoS Curr. 2017 Feb 27;9. pii: ecurrents.eogt.7d92ce775800ef3fbc72e3840fb1bc22. doi: 10.1371/currents.eogt. 7d92ce775800ef3fbc72e3840fb1bc22.
- Van Mieghem T, Collins RL, Brand H, Redin CE, Hanscom C, Antolik C, Stone MR, Glessner JT, Mason T, Pregno G, Dorrani N, Mandrile G, Giachino D, Perrin D, Walsh C, Cipicchio M, Costello M, Stortchevoi A, An JY, Currall BB, Seabra CM, Ragavendran A, Margolin L, Martinez-Agosto JA, Lucente D, Levy B, Sanders SJ, Wapner RJ, Quintero-Rivera F, Kloosterman W, Talkowski ME. Defining the diverse spectrum of inversions, complex structural variation, and chromothripsis in the morbid human genome. Genome Biol. 2017 Mar 6;18(1):36.
- Van Mieghem T, Bianchi DW, Levy B, Deprest J, Chitty LS, Ghidini A. In case you missed it: the Prenatal Diagnosis editors bring you the most significant advances of 2016. Prenat Diagn. 2017 Feb;37(2):117-122.
- Burnett LC, LeDuc C, Sulsona C, et al. Deficiency in prohormone convertase PC1 impairs prohormone processing in Prader-Willi syndrome. J Clin Invest. 2017 Jan 3;127(1):293-305.
- Redin C, Brand H, Collins RL, et al. The Genomic Landscape of Balanced Cytogenetic Abnormalities Associated with Congenital Anomalies. Nat Genet. 2017 Jan;49(1):36-45.
- Burnett LC, LeDuc CA, Sulsona CR, Paull D, Eddiry S, Levy B, Salles JP, Tauber M, Driscoll DJ, Egli D, Leibel RL. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) created from skin fibroblasts of patients with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) retain the molecular signature of PWS. Stem Cell Res. 2016 Aug 16;17(3):526-530.
- Ordulu Z, Kammin T, Brand H, Pillalamarri V, Redin CE, Collins RL, Blumenthal I, Hanscom C, Pereira S, Bradley I, Crandall BF, Gerrol P, Hayden MA, Hussain N, Kanengisser-Pines B, Kantarci S, Levy B, Macera MJ, Quintero-Rivera F, Spiegel E, Stevens B, Ulm JE, Warburton D, Wilkins-Haug LE, Yachelevich N, Gusella JF, Talkowski ME, Morton CC. Structural Chromosomal Rearrangements Require Nucleotide-Level Resolution: Lessons from Next-Generation Sequencing in Prenatal Diagnosis. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 Nov 3;99(5):1015-1033.
- Wou K, Levy B, Wapner RJ. Chromosomal Microarrays for the Prenatal Detection of Microdeletions and Microduplications. Clin Lab Med - (2016). Clin Lab Med. 2016 Jun;36(2):261-76.
- Margolskee E, Jobanputra V, Jain P, Chen J, Ganapathi K, Nahum O, Levy B, Morscio J, Murty V, Tousseyn T, Alobeid B, Mansukhani M, Bhagat G. Genetic landscape of T- and NK-cell post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders. Oncotarget. 2016 Jun 21;7(25):37636-37648.
- Ganapathi KA, Jobanputra V, Iwamoto F, Jain P, Chen J, Cascione L, Nahum O, Levy B, Xie Y, Khattar P, Hoehn D, Bertoni F, Murty VV, Pittaluga S, Jaffe ES, Alobeid B, Mansukhani MM, Bhagat G. The genetic landscape of dural marginal zone lymphomas. Oncotarget. 2016 Jul 12;7(28):43052-43061.
- Borczuk AC, Pei J, Taub RN, Levy B, Nahum O, Chen J, Chen K, Testa JR. Genome-wide analysis of abdominal and pleural malignant mesothelioma with DNA arrays reveals both common and distinct regions of copy number alteration. Cancer Biol Ther. 2016;17(3):328-35.
- Li MM, Monzon FA, Biegel JA, Jobanputra V, Laffin JJ, Levy B, Leon A, Miron P, Rossi MR, Toruner G, Alvarez K, Doho G, Dougherty MJ, Hu X, Kash S, Streck D, Znoyko I, Hagenkord JM, Wolff DJ. A multicenter, cross-platform clinical validation study of cancer cytogenomic arrays. Cancer Genet. 2015 Nov;208(11):525-36.
- Verbitsky M, Sanna-Cherchi S, Fasel DA, Levy B, Kiryluk K, Wuttke M, Abraham AG, Kaskel F, Köttgen A, Warady BA, Furth SL, Wong CS, Gharavi AG. Genomic imbalances in pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease. J Clin Invest. 2015 May;125(5):2171-8.
- Wapner RJ, Babiarz JE, Levy B, Stosic M, Zimmermann B, Sigurjonsson S, Wayham N, Ryan A, Banjevic M, Lacroute P, Hu J, Hall MP, Demko Z, Siddiqui A, Rabinowitz M, Gross SJ, Hill M, Benn P. Expanding the scope of non-invasive prenatal testing: Detection of fetal microdeletion syndromes. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Mar;212(3):332.e1-9.
- Arnold SD, Northrop LE, Green NS, Francis R, Levy B. The Role of Advanced Genetic Analyses to Determine a Complex Hemoglobinopathy. Ann Clin Pathol 2014; 2(6): 1040.
- Werner MD, Leondires MP, Schoolcraft WB, Miller BT, Copperman AB, Robins ED, Arredondo F, Hickman TN, Gutmann J, Schillings WJ, Levy B, Taylor D, Treff NR, Scott RT Jr. Clinically recognizable error rate after the transfer of comprehensive chromosomal screened euploid embryos is low. Fertil Steril. 2014 Dec;102(6):1613-8.
- Umegaki-Arao N, Pasmooij AM, Itoh M, Cerise JE, Guo Z, Levy B, Gostyński A, Rothman LR, Jonkman MF, Christiano AM. Induced pluripotent stem cells from human revertant keratinocytes for the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa. Sci Transl Med. 2014 Nov 26;6(264):264ra164.
- Levy B, Sigurjonsson S, Pettersen B, Maisenbacher MK, Hall MP, Demko Z, Lathi RB, Tao R, Aggarwal V, Rabinowitz M. Genomic imbalance in products of conception: single-nucleotide polymorphism chromosomal microarray analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Aug;124(2 Pt 1):202-9.
- Wapner RJ and Levy B. The impact of new genomic technologies in reproductive medicine. Discov Med. 2014 Jun;17(96):313-8.
- Salomao M, Levy B, Nahum O, Chen JL, Mansukhani M, Borczuk AC. Genomic alterations in pulmonary adenocarcinoma-in-situ in an adolescent patient: a case report. Arch Pathol Lab Med. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014 Apr;138(4):559-63.
- DeStefano GM, Kurban M, Anyane-Yeboa K, Dall'Armi C, Di Paolo G, Feenstra H, Silverberg N, Rohena L, López-Cepeda LD, Jobanputra V, Fantauzzo KA, Kiuru M, Tadin-Strapps M, Sobrino A, Vitebsky A, Warburton D, Levy B, Salas-Alanis JC, Christiano AM. Mutations in the Cholesterol Transporter Gene ABCA5 Are Associated with Excessive Hair Overgrowth. PLoS Genet. 2014 May 15;10(5):e1004333. doi: 10.1371.
- Jobanputra V, Wilson A, Shirazi M, Feenstra H, Levy B, Anyane-Yeboa K, Warburton D. Partial uniparental disomy with mosaic deletion 13q in an infant with multiple congenital anomalies. AJMG. Am J Med Genet A. 2013 Sep;161(9):2393-5.
- Forman EJ, Hong KH, Ferry KM, Tao X, Taylor D, Levy B, Treff NR, Scott, Jr. RT. In vitro fertilization with single euploid blastocyst transfer: a randomized controlled trial. Fertil Steril. 2013 Jul;100(1):100-7.
- Treff NR, Forman EJ, Katz-Jaffe M, Schoolcraft WB, Levy B, Scott, Jr. RT. Incidental Identification of Balanced Translocation Carrier Patients through Comprehensive Chromosome Screening of IVF-derived Blastocysts. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2013 Jun;30(6):787-91. doi: 10.1007/s10815-013-0008-z. Epub 2013 May 31.
- Levy B and Norwitz ER. Non-invasive prenatal aneuploidy testing: technologies and clinical implications. MLO Med Lab Obs. 2013 Jun;45(6):8, 10, 12 passim; quiz 16.
- DeStefanoa GM, Fantauzzo KA, Petukhova L, Kurban M, Tadin-Strapps M, Levy B, Warburton D, Cirulli ET, Han Y, Sun X, Shen Y, Shirazi M, Jobanputra V, Cepeda-Valdes R, Salas-Alanis JC, Christiano AM. Position effect on FGF13 is associated with X-linked congenital generalized hypertrichosis. PNAS. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 May 7;110(19):7790-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1216412110. Epub 2013 Apr 19.
- Norwitz ER and Levy B. Noninvasive Prenatal Testing: The Future Is Now. Rev Obstet Gynecol 2013;6:48-62.
- Kotsinas A, Aggarwal V, Tan E-J, Levy B, Gorgoulis VG. PIG3: A novel link between oxidative stress and DNA damage response in cancer. Cancer Lett. 2012 Dec 31;327(1-2):97-102.
- Wapner R, Martin C, Levy B, Ballif B, Eng C, Zachary J, Savage M, Platt L, Saltzman D, Grobman W, Klugman S, Scholl T, Simpson JL, McCall K, Aggarwal V, Bunke B, Nahum O, Patel A, Lamb A, Thom E, Beaudet A, Ledbetter D, Shaffer L, Jackson L. Chromosomal microarray versus karyotyping for prenatal diagnosis. NEJM. Dec 6, 2012. 367;23:2175-2184.
- Reddy U, Page G, Saade G, Silver R, Thorsten V, Parker C, Pinar H, Willinger M, Stoll B, Heim-Hall J, Varner M, Goldenberg R, Bukowski R, Wapner R, Drews-Botsch C, O'Brien B, Dudley D, Levy B. Karyotype versus microarray testing for genetic abnormalities after stillbirth. NEJM. Dec 6, 2012. 367;23:2185-2193. *
- Zimmermann B, Hill M, Gemelos G, Demko Z, Banjevic M, Baner J, Ryan A, Sigurjonsson S, Chopra N, Dodd M, Levy B, Rabinowitz M. Noninvasive prenatal aneuploidy testing of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y, using targeted sequencing of polymorphic loci. Prenat Diagn. 2012; 32(13):1233-41.
- Treff NR, Campos J, Tao X, Levy B, Ferry KM, Scott RT Jr. Blastocyst preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of a mitochondrial DNA disorder. Fertil Steril. 2012 Aug 21. [Epub ahead of print].
- Levy B, Tegay D, Papenhausen P, Tepperberg J, Nahum O, Tsuchida T, Pletcher BA, Ala-Kokko L, Baker S, Frederick B, Hirschhorn K, Warburton P, Shanske A. Tetrasomy 15q26: a distinct syndrome or Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome phenocopy? Genet Med. 2012. doi:10.1038/gim.2012.54. [Epub ahead of print].
- Shanske AL, Goodrich JT, Ala-Kokko L, Baker S, Frederick B, Levy B. Germline mosacism in Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2012 May 25. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.35388
- Shanske AL, Goodrich JT, Ala-Kokko L, Levy B. A new syndromic craniosynostosis with involvement of the spine, long bones, pelvis, and digits: molecular genetic and array analysis. Clin Dysmorphol. 2012 Apr;21(2):69-73.
- Jobanputra V, Levy B, Kinney A, Brown S, Shirazi M, Yu C, Kline J, Warburton D. Copy Number Changes on the X Chromosome in Women with and without Highly Skewed X-Chromosome Inactivation. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2012 Apr 20. [Epub ahead of print].
- Jobanputra V, Burke A, Anyane-Yeboa K, Shanmugham A, Shirazi M, Brown S, Warburton PE, Levy B, Warburton D. Duplication of the ZIC2 Gene is not Associated with Holoprosencephaly. Am J Med Genet A. 2012 Jan;158A(1):103-8.
- Fantauzzo KA, Kurban M, Levy B, Christiano AM. Trps1 and its Target Gene Sox9 Regulate Epithelial Proliferation in the Developing Hair Follicle and are Associated with Hypertrichosis. PLoS Genet. 2012 Nov;8(11):e1003002. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen. 1003002. Epub 2012 Nov 1.
- Yang H, Wang D, Engelstad K, Bagay L, Wei Y, Rotstein M, Aggarwal V, Levy B, Ma L, Chung WK, De Vivo DC. Glut 1 Deficiency Syndrome and Erythrocyte Glucose Uptake Assay. Ann. Neurol. 2011 Dec;70(6):996-1005. doi: 10.1002/ana.22640.
- Torgyekes E, Shanske AL, Anyane-Yeboa K, Nahum O, Pirzadeh S, Blumfield E, Jobanputra V, Warburton D, Levy B. The Proximal Chromosome 14q Microdeletion Syndrome: Delineation of the Phenotype Using High Resolution SNP Oligonucleotide Microarray Analysis (SOMA) and Review of the Literature. Am J Med Genet A. 2011; 155A(8):1884-96.
- Treff NR, Tao X, Schillings WJ, Bergh, PA, Scott RT Jr., Levy B. Use of single nucleotide polymorphism microarrays to distinguish between balanced and normal chromosomes in embryos from a translocation carrier. Fertil Steril. 2011 Jul;96(1):e58-65. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.04.038.
- Treff NR, Northrop LE, Kasabwala K, Su J, Levy B, Scott RT Jr. Single nucleotide polymorphism microarray-based concurrent screening of 24-chromosome aneuploidy and unbalanced translocations in preimplantation human embryos. Fertil Steril. 2011 Apr;95(5):1606-12.e1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.11.004. PMID: 21122835 Fertil Steril. 2010 Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print].
- Kurban M, Kim CA, Kiuru M, Fantauzzo K, Cabral R, Abbas O, Levy B, Christiano AM. Copy number variations on chromosome 4q26-27 are associated with cantu syndrome. Dermatology. 2011;223(4):316-20.
- Shanske AL, Nahum O, Coppock DL, Gerry N, Leonard J, Levy B. Delineation of the breakpoints of pure duplication 3q due to a de novo duplication event using SOMA. Am J Med Genet A. 2010; 152A(12):3185-8.
- Rotstein M, Engelstad K, Yang H, Wang D, Levy B, Chung W, De Vivo DC. Glut1 Deficiency: Autosomal Recessive Inheritance determined by Haploinsufficiency. Ann Neurol. 2010 Aug 4. [Epub ahead of print].
- Treff NR, Su J, Tao X, Levy B, Scott RT Jr. Accurate single cell 24 chromosome aneuploidy screening using whole genome amplification and single nucleotide polymorphism microarrays. Fertil Steril. 2010;94(6):2017-21.
- Kim J, Lee G, Choi JR, Kurban M, Christiano AM, Levy B, Kim JH, Ma SH, Lee KA. Ambras syndrome in a Korean patient with balanced pericentric inversion (8)(p11.2q24.2). J Dermatol Sci. 2010 Jul 21.
- Northrop LE, Treff NR, Levy B, Scott RT Jr. SNP microarray based 24 chromosome aneuploidy screening demonstrates that cleavage stage FISH poorly predicts aneuploidy in embryos that develop to morphologically normal blastocysts. Mol Hum Reprod. 2010;16:590-600.
- Treff NR, Levy B, Su J, Northrop LE, Tao X, Scott RT Jr. SNP microarray based 24 chromosome aneuploidy screening is significantly more consistent than FISH. Mol Hum Reprod. 2010;16:583-589.
- Treff NR, Su J, Tao X, Miller KA, Levy B, Scott Jr. RT. A Novel Single Cell DNA Fingerprinting Method Successfully Distinguishes Sibling Human Embryos. Fertil Steril. 2010; 94(2):477-84.
- Levy B, Wang D, Ullner PM, Engelstad K, Yang H, Nahum O, Chung WK, De Vivo DC. Uncovering Microdeletions in Patients with Severe Glut-1 Deficiency Syndrome Using SOMA. Mol Genet Metab. 100 (2010) 129-135.
- Shanske AL, Yachelevich N, Ala-Kokko L, Leonard J, Levy B. Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and ectrodactyly: New findings and a review of the literature. Am J Med Genet A. 2010 Jan;152A(1):203-8.
- Jobanputra V, Ash E, Anyane-Yeboa K, Warburton D, Levy B. Changes in an Inherited Ring (22) Due to Meiotic Recombination? Implications for Genetic Counseling. Am J Med Genet A. 2009;149A:1310-1314.
- Shanske AL, Patel A, Saukam S, Levy B, Lu¨decke H-J. Clinical and Molecular Characterization of a Patient with Langer-Giedion Syndrome and Mosaic del(8)(q22.3q24.13). Am J Med Genet A. 2008; 146A(24):3211-3216.
- Kulharya AS, Flannery DB, Norris K, Lovell C, Levy B, Velagaleti GV. Fine mapping of breakpoints in two unrelated patients with rare overlapping interstitial deletions of 9q with mild dysmorphic features. Am J Med Genet A. 2008; 146A(17):2234-2241.
- Tsantoulis PK, Kotsinas A, Sfikakis PP, Evangelou K, Sideridou M, Levy B, Mo L, Kittas C, Wu X-R, Papavassiliou AG, Gorgoulis VG. Oncogene-induced replication stress preferentially targets common fragile sites in preneoplastic lesions. A genome-wide study. Oncogene. 2008; 27(23):3256-64.
- Liontos M, Koutsami M, Sideridou M, Evangelou K, Kletsas D, Levy B, Kotsinas A, Nahum O, Zoumpourlis V, Kouloukoussa M, Lygerou Z, Taraviras S, Kittas C, Bartkova J, Papavassiliou AG, Bartek J, Halazonetis TD, Gorgoulis VG. Deregulated Overexpression of hCdt1 and hCdc6 Promotes Malignant Behavior. Cancer Res. 2007; 67(22):10899-909.
- Shaffer LG, Beaudet A, Brothman AR, Hirsch B, Levy B, Martin CL, Mascarello J, Rao KW. A Working Group of the Laboratory Quality Assurance Committee of the American College of Medical Genetics. Microarray Analysis for Constitutional Cytogenetic Abnormalities. Genet Med 2007; 9(9):654-662.
- Engel SM, Levy B, Liu Z, Kaplan D, Wolff MS. Xenobiotic Phenols in Early Pregnancy Amniotic Fluid. Reprod Toxicol 2006;21(1):110-112.
- Gorgoulis, V.G., Vassiliou, L.V., Karakaidos, P., Zacharatos, P., Kotsinas, A., Liloglou, T., Venere, M., DiTullio Jr., R.A., Kastrinakis, N.G., Levy, B., Kletsas, D., Yoneta, A., Herlyn, M., Kittas, C. and Halazonetis, T.D. Activation of the DNA damage checkpoint is an early event in the natural history of human cancer. Nature 2005;434:907-913. Main Article & Cover Image.
- ¥Menasha, J., ¥Levy, B., Hirschhorn, K., Kardon, N.B. The Incidence and Spectrum of Chromosome Abnormalities in Spontaneous Abortions: New insights from a 12 year study. Genet Med 2005;7(4):251-263. ¥ Both authors contributed equally to this study.
- Shanske, A.L., Edelmann, L., Kardon, N.B., Gosset, P., Levy, B. Detection of an interstitial deletion of 2q by comparative genomic hybridization in a child with multiple congenital abnormalities and an apparent balanced translocation. Am J Med Genet 2004;131A:29-35.
- Ekwa-Ekoba, C., Diaz, G.A., Carlson, C., Hasegawa, T., Samudrala, R., Lim, K., Yabu, J.M., Levy, B., Schnappf, L.M. Genomic organization and sequence variation of the human integrin subunit "8 gene (ITGA8). Matrix Biol. 2004; 23(7):487-496.
- Miller, K.A., Elkind-Hirsch, K., Levy, B., Graubert, M.D., Ross, S.J., Scott Jr., R.T. Pregnancy after cryopreservation of donor oocytes and preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos in a patient with ovarian failure. Fertil Steril 2004;82:211-214.
- Wells D and Levy B. Cytogenetics in Reproductive Medicine: The Contribution of Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH). Bioessays 2003; 25(3):289-300. Cover Image.
- Wells, D., Escudero, T., Levy, B., Hirschhorn, K., Delhanty, J.D.A., Munne, S. First clinical application of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and polar body testing for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of aneuploidy. Fertil Steril 2002;78:543-549.
- Li S, Malafiej P, Levy B, Mahmood R, Field M, Hughes T, Lockhart LH, Wu Z, Huang M, Hirschhorn K, Velagaleti GV, Daniel A, Warburton PE. Chromosome 13q neocentromeres: molecular cytogenetic characterization of three additional cases and clinical spectrum. Am J Med Genet 2002;110:258-267.
- Topaloglu, A.K., Levy, B., Hirschhorn, K., Willner, J.P. Inherited duplication of Xq27.1-qter detected by comparative genomic hybridization in a male with seizure disorder. Case report and review of the literature. Annals of Medical Sciences 2002;11:7-12.
- Levy, B., Dunn, T.M., Kern, J.H., Hirschhorn, K., Kardon, N.B. Delineation of the dup 5q Phenotype by Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis in a Patient with dup(5)(q34)/ del(5)(p15.3). Am J Med Genet 2002;108:192-7.
- Levy B, Jalal SM, Dunn TM, Warburton P, Tonk VS, Hirschhorn K, Lockhart LH, Hughes T, Velagaleti GVN. A Unique Case of Mosaicism Involving Two Morphologically Similar Marker Chromosomes of Different Centric Origin in a Patient With Developmental Delay. Am J Med Genet 2002;108(3):198-204.
- Tadin, M., Braverman, E., Cianfarani, S., Sobrino, A.J., Levy, B., Christiano, A.M., Warburton, D. Complex Cytogenetic Rearrangement of Chromosome 8q in a Case of Ambras Syndrome. Am J Med Genet 2001;102:100-104.
- Levy, B., Mukherjee, T., Hirschhorn, K. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of uterine leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma by comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 2000;121:1-8. Lead Article.
- Taylor Clelland, C.L., Levy, B., McKie, J., Duncan, A., Hirschhorn, K., Bancroft, C. Cloning, genomic characterization and expression analysis of PREB; a human gene that maps to a genomic region associated with trisomy 2p syndrome. Mamm Genome 2000;11:675-81.
- Brömme, N.C., Wex, T., Wex, H., Levy, B., Lipyansky, A., Brömme, D. Cloning, characterization, and expression of the human TIN-ag-RP gene encoding a novel putative extracellular matrix protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2000;271:474-480.
- Davies, J., Levy, B., Ioannou, Y. Evidence for a Niemann-Pick C (NPC) gene family: identification and characterization of NPC3. Genomics 2000;65:137-145.
- Levy, B., Papenhausen, P.R., Tepperberg, J.H., Dunn, T.M., Fallet, S., Magid, M.S., Kardon, N., Hirschhorn, K., Warburton, P.E. Prenatal molecular cytogenetic diagnosis of partial tetrasomy 10p due to neocentromere formation in an inversion duplication analphoid marker chromosome. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 2000;91:165-170.
- Levy, B., Dunn, T.M., Hirschhorn, K., Kardon, N. Jumping translocations in spontaneous abortions. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 2000;88:25-29.
- Wex, T., Levy, B., Wex, H., Brömme, D. Human cathepsins W and F form a new subgroup of cathepsins that is evolutionary separated from the cathepsin B- and L-like cysteine proteases. Adv Exp Med Biol 2000;477:271-80.
- Hong SB, Li CM, Rhee HJ, Park JH, He X, Levy B, Yoo OJ, Schuchman EH. Molecular cloning and characterization of a human cDNA and gene encoding a novel acid ceramidase-like protein. Genomics 1999;62:232-241.
- Li, C-H., Park, J-H., He, X., Levy, B., Chen, F., Arai, K., Adler, D.A., Disteche, C.M., Sandhoff, K., Gatt, S., Schuchman, E. The Human acid ceramidase gene: Structure, chromosomal location, mutation analysis and expression. Genomics 1999;62:223-231.
- Wex, T., Levy, B., Wex, H., Bromme, D. Human cathepsins F and W: A new subgroup of cathepsins. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1999;259:401-407.
- Levy B, Dunn TM, Kaffe S, Kardon N, Hirschhorn K. Resolution of chromosomal imbalances by comparative genomic hybridization with confirmation by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Genetics in Medicine 1998; 1:4-12. Cover Image.
- Levy, B., Dunn, T.M., Kaffe, S., Kardon, N., and Hirschhorn, K. Clinical applications of comparative genomic hybridization. Genet Med 1998;1:4-12. Lead Article. *
- Wex, T., Levy, B., Smeekens, S.P., Ansorge, S., Desnick, R.J., Bromme, D. Genomic structure, chromosomal localization and expression of human cathepsin W. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1998;248:255-261.
- Eng, C.M., Schechter, C., Robinowitz, J., Fulop, G., Burgert, T., Levy, B., Zinberg, R., Desnick, R.J. Prenatal genetic carrier testing using triple disease screening. JAMA 1997;278:1268-1272.
- Levy, B., Gershin, I.F., Desnick, R.J., Babu, A., Gelb, B.D., Hirschhorn, K., Cotter, P.D. Characterization of a de novo unbalanced chromosome rearrangement by comparative genomic hybridization and Fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cytogenet Cell Genet 1997;76:68-71.
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