Krystalyn E. Hudson, PhD
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology

Academic Appointments
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology
Administrative Titles
- Co-Director, Laboratory of Transfusion Biology
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BS, 2003 Biology with minors in Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Georgia Institute of Technology
- PhD, 2011 Emory University, Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis
Committees, Societies, Councils
- 2019-present, Member, International Society of Blood Transfusion
- 2012-present, Member, Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies
- 2012-present, Member, Association for Women in Science
- 2012-present, Member, American Society of Hematology
- 2009-present, Member, American Association of Immunologist
Honors & Awards
- 2023 AABB Hall of Fame Inductee
- 2020 Scott Murphy Memorial Lecture, BEST Collaborative
- 2019 National Blood Foundation Award for Innovative Research
- 2018 Named 40 Under 40 by Puget Sound Business Journal for Seattle, WA
- 2017 National Blood Foundation Scholar
- 2016 AABB PEP Rising Star Award
- 2014 National Blood Foundation Research Grant
Dr. Hudson’s group focuses on mechanisms of anti-red blood cell (RBC) antibody formation, which is clinically relevant for transfusion medicine, pregnancy, and transplants. RBCs are critically important for tissue oxygenation; reduced RBC lifespan, production, or functional capacity results in anemia, adversely affecting human health. There are 44 defined human blood groups, comprising >350 antigens, with large heterogeneity among individuals regarding antigen polymorphisms, expression levels, and tissue distribution. Some antigens elicit strong immune responses, resulting in antibody production. Anti-RBC antibodies are clinically significant and can facilitate accelerated RBC clearance, hemolysis, and antigen modulation. These antibodies may also be transplant barriers, prevent life-saving transfusions, induce hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN), and can even result in death. Although the effects of anti-RBC antibodies are well documented, additional research is needed to comprehensively define the factors and pathways involved in generating anti-RBC antibodies; filling these critical knowledge gaps will lead to improved prophylactic measures and new therapeutics for anti-RBC antibodies that will ultimately improve patient health. Pursuant of these goals, we use preclinical murine models and samples from patients to study anti-RBC antibodies and test new therapeutic agents in two settings: (1) as autoantibodies in autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), and (2) as alloantibodies in response to transfusions.
We are always seeking diverse and highly motivated individuals, at all levels, to join our team! To apply for a position, please send your CV and cover letter detailing your interest to
For current NIH grant funding, please visit NIH Reporter at:
Selected Publications
- Thomas TA, Qiu A, Kim CY, Gordy DE, Miller A, Tredicine M, Dzieciatkowska M, Dei Zotti F, Hod EA, D’Alessandro A, Zimring JC, Spitalnik SL, Hudson KE. Reticulocytes in donor blood units enhance red blood cell alloimmunization. Accepted to Haematologica. 2023
- Dei Zotti, Moriconi C, Qiu A, Miller A, Hudson KE. Distinct CD4+ T cell signature in ANA-positive young adult patients. Front Immunol. 2022;13:972127. PMID: 3631177; PMCID: PMC9608560
- Qiu A, Miller A, Dei Zotti F, Santhanakrishnan M, Hendrickson JE, Tredicine M, Stowell SR, Luckey CJ, Zimring JC, Hudson KE. FcyRIV is required for IgG2c mediated enhancement of RBC alloimmunization. Front Immunol. 2022;13:972723. PMID: 36189253; PMCID: PMC9519184
- Moriconi C, Dzieciatkowska M, Roy M, D’Alessandro A, Roingeard P, Lee JY, Gibb DR, Tredicine M, McGill MA, Qiu A, La Carpia F, Francis RO, Hod EA, Thomas T, Picard M, Akpan IJ, Luckey CJ, Zimring JC, Spitalnik SL, Hudson KE. Retention of functional mitochondria in mature red blood cells from patients with sickle cell disease. Br J Haematol. 2022 Jun 7. PMID: 35670632; PMCID: PMC9329257
- Dei Zotti F, Qiu A, La Carpia F, Moriconi C and Hudson KE. A New Murine Model of Primary Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA). Front Immunol. 2021;12:752330. PMID: 34867985; PMCID: PMC8634489
For a complete list of publications, please visit