Dr. Xiaolin Liu-Jarin was trained in Anatomic Pathology at Columbia University followed by a fellowship in Gynecologic Pathology at Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York. Dr. Liu-Jarin is a wonderful colleague, an excellent diagnostician and a respected teacher. She is interested in research projects related to gynecologic diseases and collaborates with colleagues in pathology and clinical oncology services.
Academic Appointments
- Associate Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology at the Columbia University Medical Center
Hospital Affiliations
- NewYork-Presbyterian / Columbia University Irving Medical Center
- Female
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Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- Beijing Medical University (China)
- Residency: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center
- Fellowship: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center
Committees, Societies, Councils
College of American Pathologists
International Congress of Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology
New York Pathology Society
Board Certifications
- Pathology - Anatomic
Selected Publications
Peer reviewed original manuscripts:
- Marie C Smithgall, Helen Remotti, Susan J Hsiao, Mahesh Mansukhani, Xiaolin Liu-Jarin and Helen Fernandes. Investigation of Discrepant MMR IHC and MSI PCR Test Results for Gynecologic Cancers using Next Generation Sequencing. Human Pathology, Jan 2022, Vol 119, Page 41-50.
- Adela Cimic, Marie C. Smithgall, Fady Khoury-Collado, Xiaolin Liu-Jarin, Semir Vranic. Value of additional sections: Tissue handling of small biopsies in detecting squamous dysplasia of the uterine cervix. Annuals of Diagnostic Pathology, 2022, Vol56, 151872.
- Marie C Smithgall, Xiaolin Liu-Jarin, Diane Hamele-Bena, Adela Cimic, Mirella Mourad, Larisa Debelenko, Xiaowei Chen. Third-trimester placentas of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-positive women: histomorphology, including viral immunohistochemistry and in-situ hybridization. Histopathology, 2020, Vol77, 994–999.
- Amanda J. Adeleye, Nicholas Palmeri, Shih-Hsiu J. Wang, Xiaolin Liu-Jarin, Jason D. Wright. Spindle Cell Sarcoma of the Vulva with Myofibroblastic Differentiation. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease: 2014 Jul 24.
- Chen, Xiaowei, Hamele-Bena, Diane, Galic, Vijaya, Liu-Jarin, Xiaolin, Ko, Yen Chen K., Herzog, Thomas, Wright,Jason.Infiltrating Adenomyosis of the Cervix With Features of a Low-Grade Stromal Sarcoma: A case Report and A Literature Review. International Journal of Gynecological Pathology: May 2014, Volume 33.
- Xiaolin Liu-Jarin, Mark B. Stoopler, Haralambos Raftopoulos, Mark Ginsburg, Alain C. Borczuk. Histologic Assessment of Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma after Neoadjuvant Therapy. Modern Pathology, 2003, Vol.16, No.11: 1102-8.
- Cheryl L. Kunis, Glen S. Markowitz, X. Liu-Jarin, Peter Fisher, Gill L. Frei and Vivette D. Painful Myopathy and End-Stage Renal Disease. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 2001, Vol 37(5).
- David F Owens, Xiaolin Liu, Arnold R Kriegstein. Changing properties of GABA(A) receptor-mediated signaling during early neocortical development. J Neurophysiology, 1999, Aug;82(2):570-83.
- Alexander C. Flint, Xiaolin Liu and Arnold R. Kriegstein. Nonsynaptic Glycine Receptor Activation during Early Neocortical Development. Neuron, Vol20, Jan 1998, pages 43-53.
- Xiaolin Liu and Mary E. Hatten. Cloning, characterization and functional studies of mouse Notch 2 in the development of cerebellar granule neurons. Thesis dissertation published by Rockefeller University, 1996.
- Wei-Qiang Gao, Xiaolin Liu and Mary E.Hatten.The weaver gene encodes a non-autonomous signal for CNS neuronal differentiation. Cell, 1992, 68: 841-854.
Review Articles:
- Cimic A. and Liu-Jarin X.
Updated Review on Pathology of Endocervical Adenocarcinoma with Emphasis on Clinically Relevant Findings. Acta Med Acad 2021;50. DOI: 10.5644/ama2006-124.XX
Case Reports:
- Jason DiPoce, MD, Xiaolin Liu-Jarin, MD, PhD. Jeffrey Newhouse, MD.
Diagnosis Please: CASE 225. Radiology, Volume 276, No.3:919-921, 2015. - Sepideh Besharati MD, Xiaolin Liu-Jarin MD, PhD,Xiaowei Chen MD, Adela Cimic MD. Diagnostic Cytopathology, June 2022. DOL: 10.1002/dc.25009.
An unusual case of carcinoma with mesonephric-like features with a spindle cell component diagnosed on the Pap test of the uterine cervix: Cytomorphologic and immunophenotypic features and diagnostic pitfalls - Yu Sun, M.D., Ph.D., Xiaolin Liu-Jarin, M.D., Ph.D., Diane Hamele-Bena, M.D., Vundavalli V. Murty, Ph.D., Emily Clancy, B.Sc., and Xiaowei Chen, M.D.
International Journal of Gynecological Pathology, 2022. Ovarian Malignant Mixed Germ Cell Tumor With Prominent Embryoid Bodies (Polyembryoma Background): A Case Report and Literature Review
Poster Presentations:
- Marie Smithgall, Xiaolin Liu-Jarin, Helen Remotti, Mahesh Mansukhani, Susan Hsiao, Helen Fernandes. Investigation of Discrepant MMR IHC and MSI PCR Test Results for Gynecologic Cancers. AMP Europe 2020 (Association for Molecular Pathology), poster presentation.
- Marie Smithgall, Helen Remotti, Mahesh Mansukhani, Susan Hsiao, Helen Fernandes and Xiaolin Liu-Jarin. Evaluation of Dual MMR IHC and MSI PCR Testing for Gynecologic Cancers. USCAP 2020 Annual meeting, poster presentation.
- Julia Ritchie, Xiaolin Liu-Jarin, Xiaowei Chen, Stephanie Cham, Jason Wright, Ana Tergas, June Hou, William Burke. Clinical and pathologic characteristics of uterine carcinosarcoma reclassified as dedifferentiated endometrioid carcinoma. SGO 49th Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer, abstract, 2017.