Clinical and Translational Research

The Department of Pathology and Cell Biology at Columbia University is central to a large scope of translational and clinical research within the department and in collaboration with clinical departments and centers in our institution.
Our research spans multiple areas of scientific interest with particular strength in the investigation of neurological disorders, cancer, stem cells, metabolic disorders, immunological diseases, drug discovery, and coagulation disorders. Genomic and genetic studies are integral to many research programs of our faculty, underscoring the leading roles of the Department of Pathology and Columbia University in the Precision Medicine initiative.
There is also a growing emphasis in the department on computational pathology, systems biology, and bioinformatics as these areas become increasingly important in the clinical and research mission of modern academic pathology.
In addition, the department provides expertise and access to biospecimens through several resources:
- Pathology review of biospecimen utilization for hundreds of IRB protocols is provided centrally.
- Access to pathology specimens for a large number of clinical studies, including clinical trials and sponsored research is readily available from well-characterized tissues that are examined and stored by our clinical services.
- The Molecular Pathology Shared Resource (MPSR) facilitates tissue-based, human and experimental, basic science, and translational cancer research through three integrated services: Histology, tumor banking, and macromolecule platform (next generation banking).
Clinical and Translational Research Labs
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